Proud Python

School supplies displayed atop a wood table

Proud Python is one of Pine View’s many ways of acknowledging students for their accomplishments.  Each month, teachers may submit a recommendation for one student (per subject taught) whom they feel has in some way made an extra effort or progress in their classwork or attitude.  The award may be for excellent work, positive attitude, effort or creative effort, kindness to others, always being on task, always being prepared, (excellent) work habits, leadership, honesty & integrity, being dependable, etc.

Elementary students receive a Proud Python button, a personal letter from Dr. Covert and an invitation to meet with Dr. Covert and Assistant Principal Roy Sprinkle in the Student Union for another treat: a frozen fruit bar or a Proud Python bookmark/ruler. High school students are given an honor roll car magnet. Dr. Covert speaks with the children, then draws 5 names for additional prizes of $3 gift vouchers for the school store. Please contact Mindy Isaacs at to join this committee!

Committee Chairs

Mindy Isaacs